A Bonsai Side Quest

Hugh R. Grant of TreeMakers Design and Jarryd Bailey of Montane Bonsai have long been best friends, brought together by a shared passion for bonsai and the wilderness, AKA the bush. With a lens of self-humor, the two reflect on Australian bonsai and what it means to be bonsai professionals… sorta.

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4 days ago

In this episode, the guys spinulosa’d around, only getting to 5 more out of the top 20’s greatest hits of native species with many informational species side-quests. In continuation of Jarryd and Hugh's top 10 picks for bonsai material, here are the selections of this round: 
Jarryd - Strawberry Pine, Varnished Gum Hugh - Banksia Serrata, Blue Mountain Pine, Banksia Ericifolia 
Love the podcast? You can support us here and 'buy us a coffee' https://buymeacoffee.com/bonsaisidequest
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Sunday Mar 16, 2025

In this special episode of A Bonsai Side Quest, Hugh and Jarryd share their top 10 local native species for bonsai with plentiful insight of their experiences working with each. Of course, many side-quests derail them leading to only unveiling the first 7 in this episode. 
Jarryd's picks: Tasmanian Pencil Pine, Nothofagus gunnii, Diselma archeri, and Nothofagus cunninghamii
Hugh's Picks: Black She-Oak, Kunzea Ambigua, and Port Jackson Fig
Love the podcast? You can support us here and 'buy us a coffee' https://buymeacoffee.com/bonsaisidequest
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Monday Mar 10, 2025

Looking at the onset of the autumn season, Jarryd and Hugh share their grievances of a hot summer and heat exhausted trees as well as their aspirations for styling as the heat reduces. Both are keen to jump into design season and their respective large styling projects. Repenting for their wiring sins and reflecting on overly-harsh self critique, they discuss the trials and tribulations of styling special trees. Lastly, they highlight work that you should partake on your garden at this time of year. 
Love the podcast? You can support us here and 'buy us a coffee' https://buymeacoffee.com/bonsaisidequest
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

In the peaking heat of summer, the guys whinge about hot winds, thirsty trees, and the need for tie downs and shade structures. Jarryd updates us on the fate of the previously discussed ancient Huon pine in Tasmania. The two delve into the topic of eco-tourism and the duality of needing to protect wild spaces and ancient trees while also making them more known in order to spark the passion to protect them. Now roughly one year into podcasting, Hugh and Jarryd reflect and thank their listeners for supporting them on this podcasting journey.
Love the podcast? You can support us here and 'buy us a coffee' https://buymeacoffee.com/bonsaisidequest
Backyard Bonsai Blokes - https://open.spotify.com/show/0erfxLIGe3yEXFdDElGtr7
Bonsai Stuff - https://open.spotify.com/show/7inx5PPtBH8iF49UMWVyk3
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Monday Feb 17, 2025

While not wholly sure of the outcome of the Tassie wildfires, Jarryd and Hugh mourn for the potential loss of a deeply significant Huon pine in the Hammond River Grove. A tree they once visited on a hike together, they share the essence of the tree's presence and the value its age offered. Moving into lighter topics, they cover the early turnover to autumn this year, their partners, Hugh's upcoming wedding, and the wonderful successes of recent teaching experiences.
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Sunday Feb 16, 2025

As gardens evolve, the guys hash out continued earthworks and landscaping desires in their respective spaces to offer optimal tree viewing in their landscapes. As always, Hugh and Jarryd first catch up over a meteorological chat, discussing the increased rain in their zones offering time to accomplish non-watering related work in the summer. They touch on the edgy subject of summer repots with specific species. 
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Monday Feb 03, 2025

A much-delayed New Year's episode with Hugh and Jarryd covers their intentions, aspirations, and focus for the coming year (which we are now 1/12 into). Jarryd shares recent garden hardscaping triumphs and mysterious, epic hikes. Hugh shares about biodiversity in his new garden and plans for greater productivity within his practice and garden. They speak of the importance of time allocated for pursuing personal practice in the coming year. 
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers https://treemakers.com.au/
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 
Eve Sczechowski - Yves Media https://www.yvesfilm.com/ 

Monday Jan 06, 2025

In this episode, the guys dig into the unique world of Australian plant hardiness zones; they discuss the layout of Australian climatic zones in comparison to the northern hemisphere. This is discussed with the consideration of specialised care for species based on an individual practitioner's location. Hugh and Jarryd also catch up on holiday plans, the weather challenges of the week, and work life balance before diving into the Australian National Botanic Gardens map and what that means as a bonsai practitioner and grower - 
Hugh Grant - Tree Makers Design https://treemakers.com.au/ 
Jarryd Bailey - Montane Bonsai https://www.montanebonsai.com/ 

Monday Dec 23, 2024

For this episode, Jarryd and Hugh are joined by John Keely, who is in town visiting Hugh's garden in the Blue Mountains. They chat about the Canberra bonsai scene, Keely's launch into his bonsai journey, greenhouses, and natives collection. Keely highlights where we often all start—with a stick in a pot. 

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

Hugh returns from his Queensland trip and recaps his work at Tondoon Botanic Gardens, which leads to discussions of the upkeep of refinement work, the concept of state-recognized public bonsai collections, and a side quest of species gossip.  

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